Economic Responsibility by Fritz Mostboeck © (Copyright)
The Crises and Economic Responsibility
Every crisis - be it financial or economic, a crisis of confidence or ultimately the debt crisis - demands a comprehensive and responsible approach.
Responsibility and the crises: These reports deliver further in-depth coverage and ideas for coping and avoiding them in the future.
Oftentimes, states or international organizations stand helpless in the face of various crises. To regain confidence, one cannot stick one’s head in the sand and act as if nothing has happened. What is needed are new, progressive requirements for economic processes and structures and future financial market regulations in general.
The author of the reports is Friedrich Mostboeck, President of OVFA (Austrian Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management) and Deputy Chairman of EFFAS (The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies), the umbrella organization of all European analyst societies with a total of 15,000 members in the European member countries. Friedrich Mostboeck has been dutifully monitoring the crisis in recent years. The current global environment (the crisis since 2007 and its aftermath, which has not yet passed) requires further comprehensive and extraordinary actions. This is the outcome in the form of publications over the past few years.
(1.) Corporate Responsibility (November 2004 in German, March 2005 in English),
OVFA_November2004.pdf ..........
(2.) Corporate Responsibility 2.0 From Corporate Responsibility to “General Responsibility” (June 2010 in German, June 2010 in English),
OEVFA_Corporate Responsibility 2.0 JUNI 2010.pdf..........
OEVFA_Corporate Responsibility 2.0 JUNE 2010.pdf
(3.) Economic Responsibility 3.0 An Update on General ESG Responsibility (June 2011 in English only)
OEVFA-Economic Responsibility 3.0 JUNE 2011.pdf
(4.) The Crisis and Economic Responsibility An update to Economic Responsibility 3.0 (Juni 2012 in German, June 2012 in English).
OEVFA Juni 2012 D.pdf ..........
OEVFA June 2012 E.pdf
The reports were published on various international websites:
. (Society of Investment Professionals in Germany), (The European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies), (EFFAS Commission on ESG), (The Association of Certified International Investment Analysts®) (International Network for Sustainable Financial Markets), (Hong Kong Securities Institute), etc.
Office of the OVFA
Austrian Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management (OVFA)
Frankgasse 10/7, A-1090 Vienna
T +431 533 50 50 0
The purpose of this publication is to be thought-provoking and a contribution to the ongoing debate.
© 2012 by OVFA
All rights, in particular the right to reproduce and distribute as well as translate are reserved. No part of the contents is allowed to be reproduced in any form whatsoever (photocopy, microfilm or by any means) without the written consent of the Austrian Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management; nor may it be stored, processed, reproduced or distributed using electronic systems.